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Honor any important occasion with this grand bouquet of gorgeous pink, lavender and blue blooms, artfully arranged in a classic, Parisian-inspired pot.
Honor any important occasion with this grand bouquet of gorgeous pink, lavender and blue blooms, artfully arranged in a classic, Parisian-inspired pot.
Honor any important occasion with this grand bouquet of gorgeous pink, lavender and blue blooms, artfully arranged in a classic, Parisian-inspired pot.
This arrangement features green hydrangea, hot pink roses, lavender spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, light blue hybrid delphinium, pink larkspur, white snapdragons, lavender stock, myrtle and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Parisian Garden Pot.
This arrangement features green hydrangea, hot pink roses, lavender spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, light blue hybrid delphinium, pink larkspur, white snapdragons, lavender stock, myrtle and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Parisian Garden Pot.
This arrangement features green hydrangea, hot pink roses, lavender spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, light blue hybrid delphinium, pink larkspur, white snapdragons, lavender stock, myrtle and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Parisian Garden Pot.
Orientation: One-Sided
This is a flowers-in-a -gift selection, limited-edition gift which can be used for years to come. Available exclusively from Teleflora.
Standard -
Strike Price$279.99Current Price$209.99