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Oh, so pretty in pink, this beautiful bouquet will make their day. With so many pretty flowers in such a uniquely beautiful vase, this can't-miss gift is perfect for Mother's Day, a birthday, any day!
Oh, so pretty in pink, this beautiful bouquet will make their day. With so many pretty flowers in such a uniquely beautiful vase, this can't-miss gift is perfect for Mother's Day, a birthday, any day!
Oh, so pretty in pink, this beautiful bouquet will make their day. With so many pretty flowers in such a uniquely beautiful vase, this can't-miss gift is perfect for Mother's Day, a birthday, any day!
Pink roses and asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria, white stock and seeded eucalyptus are splendidly arranged in an exclusive Pink Reflections vase. Sending this charmer will be a great reflection on you!
Pink roses and asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria, white stock and seeded eucalyptus are splendidly arranged in an exclusive Pink Reflections vase. Sending this charmer will be a great reflection on you!
Pink roses and asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria, white stock and seeded eucalyptus are splendidly arranged in an exclusive Pink Reflections vase. Sending this charmer will be a great reflection on you!
Orientation: All-Around
This enchanting ceramic vase with a luminous pink finish is from Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection.