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A sweetly romantic birthday present or heartfelt gift for a friend, this delightful arrangement pampers her with soft lavenders, deep purples and pretty pinks - not to mention the modern glass cube vase she'll use again and again!
A sweetly romantic birthday present or heartfelt gift for a friend, this delightful arrangement pampers her with soft lavenders, deep purples and pretty pinks - not to mention the modern glass cube vase she'll use again and again!
A sweetly romantic birthday present or heartfelt gift for a friend, this delightful arrangement pampers her with soft lavenders, deep purples and pretty pinks - not to mention the modern glass cube vase she'll use again and again!
Feminine shades of pink, purple and white are seen in flowers including lisianthus, alstroemeria, stock, carnations and daisies.
Presented in Teleflora's lavender glass cube.
Feminine shades of pink, purple and white are seen in flowers including lisianthus, alstroemeria, stock, carnations and daisies.
Presented in Teleflora's lavender glass cube.
Feminine shades of pink, purple and white are seen in flowers including lisianthus, alstroemeria, stock, carnations and daisies.
Presented in Teleflora's lavender glass cube.
Orientation: All-Around
this is a flowers-in-a -gift selection, limited-edition gift which can be used for years to come. available exclusively from teleflora.