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This lavish bouquet of spring roses and alstroemeria has an antique, classic feel that's entirely feminine. Hand-delivered by a local florist, this tall arrangement is a great way to make your mom, sister or grandmother feel extra special!
This lavish bouquet of spring roses and alstroemeria has an antique, classic feel that's entirely feminine. Hand-delivered by a local florist, this tall arrangement is a great way to make your mom, sister or grandmother feel extra special!
This lavish bouquet of spring roses and alstroemeria has an antique, classic feel that's entirely feminine. Hand-delivered by a local florist, this tall arrangement is a great way to make your mom, sister or grandmother feel extra special!
Peach roses, white alstroemeria, pale green carnations and peach hypericum are mixed with bright green bupleurum in an elegant Couture Vase.
Peach roses, white alstroemeria, pale green carnations and peach hypericum are mixed with bright green bupleurum in an elegant Couture Vase.
Peach roses, white alstroemeria, pale green carnations and peach hypericum are mixed with bright green bupleurum in an elegant Couture Vase.
Orientation: All-Around
Created for Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection, this shapely glass vase features graceful contours that complement any bouquet.