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Teleflora's Warm Fall Wishes Bouquet

  • Standard Full and Lush $84.99 $63.74
  • Deluxe Opulent floral display $97.99 $73.49
  • Premium Luxurious and Majestic $110.99 $83.24
All prices in CAD ($)

This bouquet is currently out of season.

Celebrate the beauty of fall with this colorful, heartwarming mix of roses and alstroemeria, hand-delivered in our classic ceramic pumpkin.

  • Includes a lush mix of orange roses, orange alstroemeria, burgundy cushion chrysanthemums, yellow daisy chrysanthemums, solidago, huckleberry and oak leaves.
  • Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive ceramic pumpkin with lid.
  • Orientation: One-Sided