- Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf.
- Delivered in Teleflora's Celebrate in Style cube.
- Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf.
- Delivered in Teleflora's Celebrate in Style cube.
- Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf.
- Delivered in Teleflora's Celebrate in Style cube.
- Orientation: All-Around
Available exclusively from Teleflora, this shimmering, golden metallic cube with intricate cutouts later transforms into a gorgeous candleholder!
Standard - $77.99 $58.49
Deluxe - $90.99 $68.24
Premium - $103.99 $77.99