- Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf.
- Delivered in Teleflora's Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
- Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf.
- Delivered in Teleflora's Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
- Orientation: All-Around
Available exclusively from Teleflora, this one-of-a-kind, elegant blue lapis, art glass vase gloriously shines with a polished gemstone finish! A true décor piece that will be enjoyed for years to come - this is the perfect gift for any occasion!
Standard - $123.99 $92.99
Deluxe - $136.99 $102.74
Premium - $149.99 $112.49