- Sunny yellow flowers include roses, asiatic lilies, gladioli and miniature carnations, all mixed with soft green button spray chrysanthemums, carnations and variegated pittosporum.
- Delivered with a modern touch in a rich brown bamboo box.
- This bouquet boasts yellow asiatic lilies, roses, miniature carnations and gladioli. Soft green roses, button spray chrysanthemums, carnations and variegated pittosporum add a fresh touch.
- Delivered in a brown bamboo vase, it's a stylish statement of affection.
- This bouquet boasts yellow asiatic lilies, roses, miniature carnations and gladioli. Soft green roses, button spray chrysanthemums, carnations and variegated pittosporum add a fresh touch.
- Delivered in a brown bamboo vase, it's a stylish statement of affection.
- Orientation: All-Around
Superbly crafted of high-quality bamboo, this stunning designer rectangular vase is from Teleflora's exclusive "Flowers in a Gift" collection. Perfect for exotic bouquets, and a stylish décor piece displayed alone.
Standard - $71.99 $53.99
Deluxe - $90.99 $68.24
Premium - $97.99 $73.49